Logo: EAPA - European Association of Psychology Assessment


The European Journal of Psychological Assessment (EJPA), published by Hogrefe & Huber, is the official organ of the EAPA. The EJPA first appeared in 1992. The journal is founded by R. Fernandez-Ballesteros and F. Silva. The Editor is Hans Westmeyer (G); the Associate Editors are Eric E. J. De Bruyn (NL), Antonio Godoy (E), Manfred Schmitt (G), and Anastasia Efklides (Gr). The EJPA is also sponsored by the IAAP Division of Psychological Assessment and Evaluation.

The main purpose of the EJPA is to present important articles providing seminal information on both theoretical and applied developments in the field of psychological assessment(concepts and methodology; health and clinical, educational and organizational assessment, program evaluation; interview and observational procedures and psychophysiological and neuropsychological measures; legal, ethical, professional, and training issues).

The EJPA is directed toward academicians as well as practitioners; the conviction of its Editors is that the discipline of psychological assessment should-necessarily and firmly-be attached to the roots of psychological science and methodology while delving deeply into all the consequences of its applied, practice-oriented development. The EJPA is indexed or abstracted by «Social Sciences Citation Index» (SSCI). «PsychINFO», «Psych ALERT» and «Psychological Abstract».

European Association of Psychological Assessment (EAPA) | info@www.eapa-homepage.org

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