Logo: EAPA - European Association of Psychology Assessment

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theory & methodology assessment process, clinical vs. statistical, ethics, factor analysis, history, social desirability, taxonomy, test adaptation
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tests & equipments autobiography, behavioral assessment techniques, case formulation, observational methods, personality questionnaires, projective techniques, test designs, unobtrusive measures
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personality anxiety, attitudes, Big Five, coping, emotions, motivation, optimism, self, sensation-seeking, temperament, states, values, well-being
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intelligence attention, cognitive ability, creativity, learning potential, memory, problem solving
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clinical & health counseling, dementia, disorders, irrational beliefs, pathology, quality of life, stress, substance abuse, test anxiety, Type A
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education & development achievement, child custody, educational evaluation, giftedness, learning strategies, planning, psycho-educational test batteries
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work & organization assessment centers, career development, job characteristics, leadership, organizational culture, performance, quality management, selection
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neurophysiopsychology brain activity, physiological measurements, neuropsychological rehabilitation, visuo-perceptual impairments, voluntary movement
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situation & environment behavioral settings, environmental quality, family, life events, person-situation fit, social climate, social networks
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European Association of Psychological Assessment (EAPA) | info@www.eapa-homepage.org

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