Conference 1995, Trier, 28-30 August
Chair: R. Steyer, 200 participants from 20 countries; 192 presentations
Keynote speakers
- P. Kline: Personality questionnaires and beyond
- F. Silva: Dimensions of interpersonal orientation: Studies on convergent and discriminant validation
- R.K. Hambleton: Psychological assessment advances for the 21th century: New psychometric models, methods, and technology
Symposia (conveners):
- social desirability and related concepts (R. Fernandez-Ballesteros & F. Silva)
- objective tests in personality assessment (F. Ostendorf & B. De Raad)
- assessment of the elderly (S.H. Filipp)
- a Five-Factor Model approach to childhood personality assessment (I. Mervielde & G.A. Kohnstamm)
- the constructive thinking inventory (CTI): reliability, factor structure, validity (W. Lauterbach)
- dynamic assessment (J. Guthke)
- constructivist assessment and the systemic perspective (H. Westmeyer)